Who we are?

Asalamu Alikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barakatu,

Who is it that would loan Allah SWT a goodly loan so Allah SWT may multiply it for him many times over? (Surat Baqarah, Verse 245)

I would like to say that NO ONE from us is worthy of helping the other till Allah SWT destines the same. Whenever someone approaches us for help, we look at our finances, our source of income and then think, how am I to help so and so with such an amount, when ALL we need to do is to COMMIT with our hearts to help and let ALLAH SWT make the provision for the same.

Let us understand no matter how much wealth we have or however RICH we are, we are and will always be on the MERCY of Allah SWT. Allah SWT can give whoever Allah SWT wants, when Allah SWT wants and how much ever Allah SWT wants and IF Allah SWT decides to close the doors for you for anything, there is NO ONE who can help you reopen them.

I am ANTI BEGGING and I have heard many people say, why can’t you just give a little money, it might serve some purpose. Here is my take towards it, instead of giving someone 15-20-50 each time and addicting them, why not go out, do the research (Tehkeek) and help whoever needs whatever help?

But again, if you tell someone to do that, we get told, WHO has the time. Well, that is why we are there. We at MWF, always first do research (Tehkeek) by going to the place a person/family lives in and if the person asking for something is deserving or not and then help them according to their needs, be it ONE time, monthly, quarterly or yearly.